Thursday, January 08, 2009

funny things he says...

I had to get some written.... before I forgot! Will add more, surely as they come!

Dec. 08 --- "Mommy... I've got quack bumps..I mean duck bumps... what kind of bumps do I have?"
Goose bumps, Greyson, goose bumps!

Jan. 6, 09--- Olivia kissed me on my "seek." (cheek)

Jan. 7, 09---I turned my purse over and everything dumped out and I said that I should have zipped my purse and Greyson said, " Know what you need? An over the sholder bag. It makes getting to car keys and cell phones much easier." Proves he must watch too much Nick jr. because that is an infomercial that runs every break ... he sounded like such a little salesman!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baby Got Back

"Baby Got Back" was on the radio...I was just about to turn it because I thought it may not be good for Greyson to hear, "I like big butts and I cannot lie," when I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw him dancing in his car seat. When we got to daycare, I had to video him with my phone!! He told me it was, "the greatest song ever!" Enjoy.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Snack time!

I know this doesn't look like one of my normal pictures, but let me explain... Dee was outside cutting grass and in between dumping the cuttings and getting a drink of water Greyson asked him if he wanted a snack. Sweet, huh? Dee said thanks and he'd get something later. Greyson goes to the pantry, grabs some unopened -- unpopped popcorn, and throws it out the cat door! Dee had to stop cutting the grass he was laughing so hard!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Well, I have made up my mind I'm going to start blogging! It's the best way to keep up a little diary, of sorts! My little boy is now 4 years old... hard to know where the time went! It flies when you're having fun.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Greyson from 1 to 2!

Greyson from birth to 1st birthday! Posted by Picasa