Thursday, January 08, 2009

funny things he says...

I had to get some written.... before I forgot! Will add more, surely as they come!

Dec. 08 --- "Mommy... I've got quack bumps..I mean duck bumps... what kind of bumps do I have?"
Goose bumps, Greyson, goose bumps!

Jan. 6, 09--- Olivia kissed me on my "seek." (cheek)

Jan. 7, 09---I turned my purse over and everything dumped out and I said that I should have zipped my purse and Greyson said, " Know what you need? An over the sholder bag. It makes getting to car keys and cell phones much easier." Proves he must watch too much Nick jr. because that is an infomercial that runs every break ... he sounded like such a little salesman!